第八届留学生专场实习就业招聘会 发布时间:2019-12-16
The 8th Job & Internship Fair for International Students
Open to all the international students!
Hosted by International Office & Office of Students Affairs and Career Development, ACEM, SJTU
Time: 14:30-17.30, December 4, 2019
Venue: B200, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 1954 Huashan Rd.(Xuhui Campus)
Scan the QR code to sign up
About the fair
The International Office and Office of Students Affairs and Career Development of ACEM organize Internship and Job Fair for international students twice a year in fall semester and spring semester as a part of the career development events to help international students find internships and jobs while establish a better understanding in China’s business reality and maintain their advantages in China’s job market. Now this event has drawn attention from not only Shanghai Jiao Tong University but also other prestigious universities in Shanghai. Shanghai Daily and ICS also covered this job fair.